Spring Soccer is a continuation of our annual soccer program that started last Fall.  Players who registered last Fall do not need to register again for this Spring. New players who did not register last Fall must register for Spring programs by following instructions provided in the sections below.  Beacon Hill Youth Soccer offers different Spring Soccer options for our different age groups.  It might be confusing, so read the information in the section for your age group carefully.  Player age is determined by their age on July 31st, 2022. Example, if a player’s birthday is 5/12/2015, they were 7 on July 31st. They are Under 8; they are U8.

Spring Programs for Players U9 and Younger

Beacon Hill teams have 2 choices this Spring; BHYS’s Soccer Sundays or SYSA’s Spring Soccer. 

  • SYSA’s Spring Soccer programs are managed by SYSA (not BHYS).  They are city-wide programs for teams that played in the Fall Rec Soccer program. They tend to be competitive.  For information about SYSA Spring Soccer, visit their webpage HERE.

  • Beacon Hill’s Soccer Sundays is an In-house Spring soccer option for players U9 and younger right here on Beacon Hill. It is local and less expensive than the SYSA Spring Soccer option. Soccer Sundays start April 16th and continue for 8 Sundays. It is pick up games for players registered last Fall.  No practices.  No need for coaches.  But we need parents to sort out teams and referee the 50 minute game. 

    Players who registered last Fall are eligible to play on Soccer Sunday for free.  No sign ups necessary. New players must go to our BHYS website (not SYSA website) and register for $20.  Once registered, simply come to Soccer Sunday at the Jefferson Park Sports Plateau wearing shin guards and you can join in the game.  It is pick up soccer, but some BH teams from last Fall will be showing up hoping to play as a team.

    Soccer Sunday starts the week after Easter and runs every Sunday for 8 weeks.  Sessions run for 50 minutes and start every half hour on Jefferson Park fields appropriate for their age group.

    Session 1: Co-ed U5 11:30am

    Session 2: GU8 12:00pm

    Session 3: BU7 1:00pm

    Session 4: GU6 1:30pm

    Session 5: BU8 2:00pm

    Session 6: BU6 2:30pm

    Session 7: GU7 3:00pm

    Session 8: Co-ed U9 3:30pm

    New players can click the button below to register and pay $20 to play in the BHYS Soccer Sunday program. Down the Demosphere App on your phone to find team contact info.

    Here is a link to the SYSA age calculator to help determine age group: https://www.sysa.org/age-group

Spring Programs for Players U10 and Older

SYSA’s Spring Soccer programs are managed by SYSA (not BHYS).  In addition to the Spring league, SYSA offers a variety of soccer clinics.  They are city-wide programs for teams that played in the Fall Rec Soccer program. They tend to be competitive.  New players who did not play last Fall can join a Beacon Hill team if there is room.  Contact our BHYS Registrar for help finding a team.  New players register on the SYSA website. For more information about SYSA Spring Soccer, visit their webpage HERE.